Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Piano 1

Piano 2

Acoustic Guitar
Choir Aahs

Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Electric Bass (finger]



Synth Strings 1

Synth Bass 2

Background Vocals
Choir Aahs

Synth Strings 2
The child with out a name grew up to be the ha and. To watch you, to shield you or kill on de ma and. The choice he'd made he could not com pre he end. He's got a grim se cret they had to co ma and. He's torn be tween his ho nour and the true love of his life. he prayed for both but was de nie ied So ma ny dreams were bro ken and so much was sa cri fi iced. Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave be hi i i ind? So ma ny years have past who are the no ble and the wi ise? Will all our sins be jus ti fied? The curse of his pow ers tor men ted his li fe O bey ing the crown was a sin is ter cri me His soul was tor tur ed by love and by pa in He sure ly would flee but the oath made him stay He's torn be tween his ho nour and the true love of his life. he prayed for both but was de nie ied So ma ny dreams were bro ken and so much was sa cri fi iced. Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave be hi i i ind? So ma ny years have past who are the no ble and the wi ise? Will all our sins be jus ti fied? Please for give me for the so rrow, for lea ving you in fear For the dreams we had to silence, that's all they'll e ver be Still I'll be the hand that serves you Though you will not see that it is me